7 Tips to Choose an Indian Health Insurance Plan

7 Tips to Choose an Indian Health Insurance Plan

Health insurance is a vital Health Insurance Plan policy, especially with the rise in health problems in young people. A health insurance policy is also essential due to the high cost of medical treatment.

Unfortunately, India’s health insurance is one of the most overlooked types of insurance. It doesn’t offer any benefits unless you are sick. Although nobody wants to be sick, it is a fact that we all have to deal with health issues. It is important to be prepared for financial consequences of any health problems. While you cannot plan for getting sick, it is possible to be financially prepared for the worst.

India offers a wide range of health plans, including individual plans as well as family floater and senior citizen plans. You should first assess your needs and then buy a health insurance plan.

These 7 tips will help you select the best health plan.

Make sure you have the right coverage

You should choose a plan that covers you against a variety of medical conditions and offers benefits such as pre and post hospitalizations, daycare expenses, transportation, illness prevention, and other benefits. Check that each member of the family is covered by the policy you’re purchasing. Compare plans and benefits to find the best plan for you.

It should be affordable

It is vital to find a plan that suits your needs. However, it is also important that you have the right budget. When purchasing health insurance, budget is an important consideration. You should also consider the benefits of the plan before you decide on the price. To ensure that you are properly covered and your premiums are affordable, it is wise to purchase affordable health insurance. You can adjust your coverage as you earn more, increase your family size and meet other requirements.

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Family health plans are preferred over individual ones

Individual plans are great for those who don’t have a family. If you want to purchase health insurance with your family in mind, you can choose a family plan to get maximum benefits at a lower price.

Select a plan that can be renewed for life

Make sure you check the terms of your plan and whether you can renew it. Why? You will need a health plan most in your later years. Choose health plans that offer lifetime renewal.

Compare quotes online

Online comparisons of health insurance policies allow you to find the best plan for you. Online, you can request a quote. This means that you can fill in your information and receive an estimate of the premium for your policy. Compare the quotes to make a decision.

Network hospital coverage

Once you have selected a few health plans, make sure to check if your preferred doctors and hospitals are included in the hospital network. An insurance provider with a large network of hospitals around the globe is always a better choice. IFFCO Tokyo allows you to choose from over 5,000 hospitals in the network, where you can get quick, easy, and cashless claim settlements!

High claims settlement ratio

The claim settlement ratio measures the percentage of claims that are settled by an insurance company over total claims. Choose an insurer with a high claim settlement rate. We at IFFCO Tokyo have settled 8.61 lakh claims during FY2019, with a claim settlement rate of 92.65%. You are safe with us!

These tips will help you maximize your health insurance benefits. This is an investment you make to protect yourself against the financial burden of high healthcare expenses. Make sure you get the best out of your insurance.

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How can I buy Indian health insurance?

We have provided information on how to purchase a plan and how to choose among the many Indian health insurance plans. This is easy with IFFCO Tokyo – visit one of our 20,000 branches to get authorization.

They will guide you through the purchase process. You’ll leave with the policy in hand, a smile on the face, and the policy document. Online purchasing of health insurance is also possible. These are the steps to make it easy.

Log on to our website

The first step is to visit our page about health insurance. Simply enter your name, mobile number and password once you have arrived at our health insurance page. Once you’re done, you will be taken to our health insurance calculator. You will be able to select between individual or family health insurance plans. Next, you’ll need to provide basic information such as your birth date, gender, email address and the amount you wish to be insured.

Get a quote:

After you have submitted all the details, the health insurance calculator will give you an instant quote. You can customise the quotation by increasing/decreasing the sum insurance and including the add-ons you want. Once you’ve found the right coverage, it is time to move on to the next step.


You will need to complete all required KYC information. Start by entering your emergency contact information, details about your nominee, and any other relevant data. You might need to upload some documents.

The cost of the plan

After you’ve completed the KYC process, it’s time to make the payment. There are many payment options and gateways that we offer. After the transaction is completed successfully, your policy document will arrive in your inbox. Your policy coverage will start!

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